Món Jenga là những khúc gỗ được xếp thành một khối và sau đó 2-3 người chơi từ từ rút những khối nhỏ phía dưới để lên top sao cho bị rút mà khối không đổ. Luật chơi ròm copy phía dưới nha.
Tụi nhỏ lôi ra và đưa lên top

Đăng rút từ từ ra nè

Tú rút và đưa lên top

Ba tụi nhỏ rút

Rồi đổ cái rầm nếu rút không khéo và bị nghiêng.

Có ba mẹ chơi con mới hào hứng vì vậy tranh thủ chơi với 2 nhóc.
Jenga Game Rules
Written by Melissarollins | Translated by Ehow Contributor
A British woman who lived in Africa created Jenga in the 1970s. The game, which consists of 54 blocks, challenges players to build a tower without being the one to know it over. Jenga is a Swahili name that means "to build."
One player puts the Jenga blocks into the loading tray provided in crisscrossing layers of three. Once the blocks are set, he turn the tray upright and moves the tray away, leaving only the stacked blocks.
The player who stacked the blocks is first, with play following clockwise.
Each player must pull a wooden block from a row below the top row and replace it on the top of the tower in the opposite direction of the blocks on top. He may only use on hand. Play continues until one player causes the tower to fall. The last player to have placed a block on top successfully is the winner.
A player's turn ends either 10 seconds after he has placed a piece of as soon as the next player goes.
Players may touch blocks to test how loose they are, but if not selected must be put back in place. In addition, players must not stack a new layer on top without completing the previous layer of three pieces.
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